This is the message that my son got when he tried to download and view one of my vacation videos on his new Android Motorola Razr smartphone from Verizon. It had worked fine on my laptop.
I tried to duplicate the problem on my own smartphone. It worked perfectly. Same thing on my Amazon Kindle Fire. However, my wife’s Motorola Atrix had the same error message. Could this be a Motorola problem?
I debated whether to contact the carriers or the manufacturer, but decided instead to put the error message into my search engine. That saved me considerable time. I found that many other users had gotten the same error message. Unfortunately, no one seems to have an answer for it. With all the different variations of Android, this is probably understandable. Hopefully, software updates will come along that fix problems like this. In the meantime, if you have the same problem, try a laptop or home computer, especially one that has sufficient power and bandwidth to handle streaming media.
By the way, if you are curious about the video that triggered this post, you can try it, too, especially if you are interested in iguanas. ( If you do, please be patient. The download is a little slow, and quality is not up to Hollywood standards. Taking videos in bright sunlight is tough with a little camera that only has a small LCD and no viewfinder. Reflections made it especially hard for me to follow the action.